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问What are your short-term and long term goals, post-MBA?答
My short-term career goal is a consultant in a consulting company. I have developed sound business skills and have proved my leadership from my past work. I want to further study how to choose the best talent and tailor the strategies for companies, especially technology start-ups. In the long term, I hope to build my own consulting team to provide consulting services focusing on small and medium enterprises(SME), including talent development, strategy and management, etc. I believe my service can help those SMEs grow faster and stronger.
问How do you describe the process of application?答
It’s a process of both choosing and being chosen. While I learned a lot about schools, I also learned a lot about myself when thinking about my goals and pasts. It’s definitely a memorable and meaningful journey.
我认为我想要攻读博士学位的原因首先是我非常喜欢与计算机视觉相关的研究领域,在那里我可以得到成就感。 在我以前的工作中,每当我遇到一些新的算法时,我总是倾向于通过阅读相关论文或与他人交流来了解这些算法。 研究期间可以让我持续学习,我相信这会给我更有意义的生活。 其次,与做一些工程工作相比,做研究可能更具挑战性,并有机会找到新的东西。 这些新算法中的很多都可以直接应用到现实世界中,让世界变得更美好。 所以,这就是我选择攻读博士学位的原因。
问How will you use research and data to inform your social work practice?答
I want to work as a social worker to serve low-income Asian American immigrants. My organization will use the data we collect from background, physical and mental health assessments to determine what services are in need, and what programs to provide. Methods and practice with proven results from empirical scientific researches will serve as valuable foundations for program development and grant writing to gain supports and funding from both internal and external resources. For example, if my organization plans to start a support group and organize workshops for Asian American families with schizophrenia patients, we will analyze existing studies on how racial identity, sociocultural needs, language capacity and societal perception affect the recruitment and intervention process. We can also use successful models from other empirical studies as a reference to design our curriculum, and having the proven results in advance will help gather internal management supports, improve staff confidence, and enhance external funds solicitation. Thus, utilizing data and scientific information provides guidance to both micro and macro practices.
张璐: 是直接申请直博还是先申请硕士后申请PhD? 这是一个利弊权衡的问题,我会告诉你选择的导则你可以对号入座。 直接申请PhD可以①节约时间,如果你读硕和读博的学校不是一个,你有可能需要花一道两年的时间去重新修读PhD学校的graduate level的课程;②节约资金,大多数学校的PhD提供financial aid,基本上学费可以免去。但是直博③申请的学校档次会比以同样条件申请master低。 申请master①可以进入更好的学校,接触更好的教授,有机会能够争取留校读博,再不济也能获得大牛的推荐信,作为跳板去更好的学校,或者提升你的申请背景;②可以全面的权衡自己是否适应海外的学习生活,是否有科研的兴趣和能力,进可攻退可守。但是③你需要多出一到两年的学费,因为很多名校的master是不给奖学金的,另外还有二次申请的费用④时间上会比较紧张,尤其是一年的master program,可能入校没有多久,就要接着考虑申请PhD。