个人简介:常伴密西西比河的 GIS 博士僧
本人美国在读地理博士,对于地理相关领域较为了解,很认同league of phd 的运营理念“留学生更懂留学申请”。我申请是全程由自己diy的,在博士就读期间也帮助了很多学弟学妹们申请到了 phd offer。如果你想申请北美的地理专业,我会很乐意的跟你分享我的经验让你在申请的时候少走弯路!
My immediate goals for future research involve extending my research in the field of geography. The PhD program in the Department of Geography & Anthropology quite fits my interests and professional training. It is strong in the fields of GIS and Spatial analysis. A graduate school-level education at LSU will certainly benefit me greatly for my future academic career. I could have more opportunity to communicate and learn from the best researchers in the world and participate in cutting-edge research projects. Learning from such a first-class program is exciting. Besides, the beautiful environment of Louisiana is very attractive to me.