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    专业评估: To help students think of themselves as artists

    好的Portfolio是艺术类专业的敲门砖,我们遵照纽约州艺术教师协会(NYSATA)的指导标准。Elementary Level,Middle Level,Commencement Level,Elective Level,或是Major Sequence Level,我们都将给出建设性的意见,引导学生发展。

    Work reveals a command of symbol or likeness as well as expression or mood. Work demonstrates observation and perception of the subject. Work reflects knowledge of the elements and principles to convey a specific meaning. Work communicates awareness of cultural diversity. Work demonstrates the development of the artwork from ideas to final pieces. Work evidences the principles of design and technical mastery.

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    能力培养:To deliver pieces in 2D, 3D, time-based, lens-based, new genres, digital or traditional media


    Being able to apply basic and advanced art principals to your work. Creating work that shows a high level of attention and detail. Completing projects that are free of sloppiness and mistakes.

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    作品辅导:To create art that you are passionate about and that is unique and original

    纯艺、平面设计、交互设计、服装配饰、动画游戏、空间设计、影视摄影 、景观建筑……匹配专业对口海外导师远程指导,入驻实地创意工坊,打磨作品,提升自我。

    Work that will give to the university a sense of you, your interests, and your willingness to explore, experiment, and think beyond technical art and design skills.

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    精选排版:To show variety and personality as a strong artist across a variety of media and art forms

    从字体、配色、信息量、展示方式、层次感等多个角度出发,遵照Less is More的精选原则,突显你的设计天赋与审美追求。 大小、明暗、色差、锐钝、轻重、肌理、形状、位置、空间、疏密、虚实、颜色、形状、材质、空间关系、线宽、字体……要的就是 impress the adjudicator!

    A collection of your best efforts, showcasing your individual artistic style. Including about ten to fifteen pieces of finished work using various media, styles, and ideas. Showing your potential to handle college-level art study, and being professionally presented.



作品集是艺术类申请必不可少的一环,好的portfolio能带来出奇制胜的结果,我们的指导服务涵盖常规的Painting(绘画)、Photography(摄影)、Performing Arts(表演艺术)、Sculpture(雕塑)的创作辅导,以及Art History(艺术历史)、Architecture History(建筑历史)、Cinema Studies(电影研究)、Creative Writing(创意写作)的写作辅导,以及以下专业的作品集辅导

Accessory design(配饰设计): conceptual research, technical sketches, renderings and boards……

Advertising(广告): sensible use of composition, typography and coordination of words and images…… 

Animation (动画): design skill, life drawing, composition, line, weight and balance…… 

Architecture (建筑): personal architectural and design language, architectonic solutions……

Design for sustainability (可持续性设计): short narratives, written material, visual or graphic elements……

Dramatic writing (编剧): short screenplays, one-act plays, feature screenplay, stage play……

Fashion (时尚): mood boards, fashion illustrations, flats and sewn garments……

Fibers (服装设计): theme fiber works, sketchbook, process, research work……

Furniture design(家具设计): informative sketching, 3-D visualization, digital visual communication……

Graphic design and visual experience (图形设计与视觉体验): visualization of concepts and communication……

Illustration (插画): real industry assignments, illustration process work, life-drawing, direct observation……

Industrial design (工业设计): research, sketching, CAD renderings and model making……

Interactive design (交互设计): figure drawings, conceptual illustrations, interactive projects, 3-D modeling……

Game development (游戏设计): concept art, videos of playable game levels, 3-D rendered stills……

Interior design (室内设计): conceptual and process drawings, sketches, perspectives……

Luxury and fashion management (奢侈品与时尚管理): professional development plan, business plans……

Motion media design (动态媒体设计): motion pieces, graphic/visual work, concept statement……

Printmaking (版画): printmaking, thematic development, experimentation and sophistication……

Production design (美术指导): contextual research, perspective and orthographic sketching……

Service design (服务设计): solutions to brands, services, products, processes, spaces, communications……

Sequential art (动画设计): visual and narrative composition, storytelling, figure drawing……

Sound design (声音设计): sound design for visual media, theater, production of music recording……

Themed entertainment design (主题娱乐设计): design work for props, special effects, costumes……

Urban design (城市设计): urban design, architecture, landscape architecture……


  • Design Portfolio



  • Photography Portfolio




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