专业:Business Analytics
本科毕业于美国前三十的伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,统计学与工业工程运筹学双学士学位。DIY完成硕士申请,收到来自UT Austin, USC, UMN, Duke, USF等学校的offer,研究生毕业于德州大学奥斯丁分校business analytics专业(因为UT是BA排名第一的神校)。研究生毕业后就职于美国旧金山downtown一家financial technology公司,职位是数据分析师。经历过在美转专业申请的血泪史,具有丰富美国找工作的经验,也有强大的network资源,提供申请美国统计,数据科学,商业分析以及毕业会求职的专业指导,因此能针对申请学生的实际情况给予选校申请和就业指导规划。
I have worked as a Supply Chain Analyst with a manufacturing company in my undergraduate. The goal is to help the company optimize their back yard for lumber storage. The methodology I found is to assign each kind of lumber a specific location based on its ordering frequency. So the most frequently-picked lumber will put on the closest position to save the picking-up time. However, I found the lumbers’ ordering frequency changed a lot. Some lumbers are popular in summer and seldom ordered in winter and some lumbers have an increasing ordering trend recently. At that time, I realized the importance of Time Series Analysis and started to learn about the Machine learning models. After my research, I realized in recent data world, every industry needs to cooperate with Data Analytics to make quantitative decisions based on data. Thus, I want to apply for DS major to learn to use predictive modellings to help the world make the wise decision based on data.